I was researching the history/revolution of tailored garments for my own jacket design, and..found this video. The topics covered ranged from a whistle-stop tour of the history of women’s tailoring to an exploration of the practical skills that support it. It also included the consideration of the physiological aspects, hand-crafting techniques, and the complex psychology that underlies the relationship with one’s customers.
It is quit interesting to learn how the tailored jackets have been done before modern technology has been used. few sample garment was shown as well.
“Women should have same the opportunities for investing in their wardrobes in the same way that they invest in their careers”
says Alan Cannon Jones, Senior Lecturer at the London College of Fashion, she was the second lady in this video. Yes, women's clothing changed dramatically during time along with their social status. modern women requires professional wear more than ever, of course new design has to be created to full fill people's need. new trends in tailored fashion is another subject that has been discussed at the end, and some of the techniques that are used to support them.